Robert Rex

Dickenson Murphy Rex & Sloan-Rex Securities Law
Florida, Texas

About Robert Rex

I have been helping individuals recover damages to their retirement accounts and nest eggs due to stockbroker and financial advisor malpractice and fraud for 30+ years. Former CPA-USAF Veteran-- Nationwide representation.


Work experience

Dickenson Murphy Rex & Sloan-Rex Securities Law
Securities Attorney | 1988 - Present
Recovery of investment losses and pursuing stockbroker misconduct for aggrieved investors for over twenty years. Nationwide representation.
Russell & VIckers
Attorney | 1985 - 1987
Commercial litigation, oil & gas law, family law. San Antonio Texas
Heritage Oil/Heritage Processing Corp
Vice President Legal & FInance | 1981 - 1984
Executive with independent oil & gas exploration company/ natural gas processing company. San Antonio, Texas


University of Florida
J.D. (1976) | 1974 - 1976
Florida Atlantic University
B.A., Accounting | 1972 - 1974


Florida Legal Elite 2006
Florida Trends Magazine | 2006


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