
Tristan Nicolas LeGrande

LeGrande Law

About Tristan Nicolas LeGrande

At LeGrande Law we know that when you are accused of a crime it is a very difficult and very important matter; we are dedicated to fighting for our clients’ rights and doing everything possible to achieve the best resolution of our clients’ cases. The formula for our success at LeGrande Law is: an unwavering dedication to our clients, a strong work ethic, experience, and proven results.


Work experience

LeGrande Law
Criminal Defense Attorney | 2012 - Present
The Law Office of Thomas J. Henry
Associate Attorney | 2010 - 2011
The Lacroix Law Firm
Associate Attorney | 2009 - 2010


South Texas College of Law
J.D. (2008), Criminal Litigation | 2008 - Present
University of Oklahoma College of Law
B.A. (2004), Political Science and English Literature | 2001 - 2004


National Trial Lawyers | 2018


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