Affidavit of Domicile Form

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Updated Jan 12, 2024
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An affidavit of domicile is a legal document employed mainly in the settlement of estates. In particular, it is used to verify the primary residence of a deceased person at the time of death, which is often essential in transferring securities owned by the deceased. This document proves a person's legal place of residence.
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Document Types
Affidavit of Birth
This document is used to provide verified facts regarding the birth of an individual.
Affidavit of Death
This document is used to declare an individual's end officially for various processes.
Affidavit of Gift
This affidavit records the transfer of ownership of an item from a donor to the recipient.
Affidavit of Heirship
This affidavit identifies rightful heirs and ensures an orderly distribution of assets.
Affidavit of Identity
This document verifies the identity of an individual in various legal matters.
Affidavit of Marriage
This affidavit ensures the legal verification of a marital relationship.
Affidavit of Ownership
This document attests to the ownership of tangible and intangible assets.
Affidavit of Residency
This affidavit verifies the home address of the live person or the decedent.
Affidavit of Service
This affidavit confirms a notice has been served during a court proceeding.
Affidavit of Survivorship
This legal form helps the surviving owner of jointly owned property claim survivorship.
Certificate of Trust
This form confirms a trust's existence and details its critical elements.
A general affidavit is often used for affirming the truth of information under oath.
Small Estate Affidavit
This affidavit is used to bypass probate when distributing the decedent's small property.
Paper titled "Affidavit of Domicile", woman walking with a pile of folders from the house

An affidavit of domicile is a legal document employed mainly in the settlement of estates. In particular, it is used to verify the primary residence of a deceased person at the time of death, which is often essential in transferring securities owned by the deceased. This document proves a person's legal place of residence.

This legal document also provides strong evidence of a person's place of residence, which can have significant implications for issues relating to tax, inheritance, and legal obligations. Properly understanding and utilizing this instrument can, therefore, protect your interests and prevent future disputes.

When to Use an Affidavit of Domicile

There are numerous instances in which you may need to use an affidavit of domicile form. One common example involves the transfer of assets post-death. When a property owner dies, the executor or personal representative may need to submit an affidavit of domicile and debts, which clearly states the deceased person's place of domicile at the time of death. 

Additionally, you may need an affidavit of domicile form in real estate transactions, divorce proceedings, or any situation where you need to confirm your residence. Irrespective of the scenario, it's always advised to have the affidavit of domicile to back your claims.


  • Affiant/DeponentHow To Write an Affidavit of Domicile –– The affiant is the individual who, with their signature, verifies the affidavit of domicile. The affiant may be the executor of an estate or anyone authorized to assert the decedent's place of residence at the time of death. This individual's responsibility is to provide truthful information based on personal knowledge or readily accessible and available records. Upon completion, the affiant signs the document, asserting under penalty of perjury that the information contained therein is complete and accurate.

  • Notary public –– The notary public is a state-appointed official responsible for overseeing the signing of important documents, such as the affidavit of domicile. The role of the notary public in the preparation of the letter of domicile is to affirm that the affiant's identity has been verified and that the signing was done willingly and under no duress. Once this has been ascertained, the notary public notarizes the affidavit of domicile, giving it legal significance. Upon doing so, the notary provides a stamp or seal and signs the document, validating the identity of the affiant and their understanding of the document's content.

Key Terms

  • Domicile: This is the place a person considers their principal home and intends to return, even after staying in another state or country.
  • Estate: This term refers to the deceased's worldly possessions, including properties, assets, liabilities, and debts. It constitutes everything the deceased owned at their death or owed (collectively known as the affidavit of debts and domicile).
  • Notarized Affidavit: This is the affidavit that has been certified by a notary public. A notary is a public official who authenticates legal documents, thus giving them legal weight.
  • Securities: These are the financial assets, like stocks and bonds, and they need to be transferred using a free affidavit of domicile form after the original owner's death.

How to Write an Affidavit of Domicile

A notarized affidavit of domicile is a legal instrument that validates the residence of a deceased individual at the time of death. You can use an affidavit of domicile form PDF available at Lawrina or consider the assistance of a lawyer in the creation of this document. 

Here is a guide on how an affidavit of domicile PDF should be created:

  1. Provide the specific details of all parties involved, including your legal name, your relationship to the deceased, and your contact information.
  2. Highlight the deceased individual's full legal name and the address of their domicile at the time of death.
  3. Furnish the details of the decedent's securities, including certificates, bonds, or stocks they owned.
  4. Assert that the deceased individual was legally domiciled at the stated address at the time of their death.
Notary public
  1. Confirm the identity of the affiant, ensuring they are the individuals they claim to be.
  2. Ensure the affiant understands the contents and consequences of the affidavit of debt and domicile.
  3. Witness the affiant signing the affidavit, thereby attesting to the truthfulness of the statements.
  4. Once the affidavit is signed, as the notary public, you should then sign and stamp the affidavit, validating its authenticity.

Both parties should thoroughly review the form. Consultation with a lawyer is advisable to safeguard all involved parties' interests. 

In conclusion, a certificate of domicile has a key role in the estate settlement process. Having a well-drafted document protects the interests of the parties involved and lends credibility to the process. It's possible to find a ready-made, customizable template to simplify the process while ensuring that no key details are left out. Meanwhile, without the knowledge of the affidavit of domicile meaning, the transfer of a deceased's assets can be quite daunting.

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