A letter of intent (LOI) is written as a party's or individual's intention to commit to a transaction or any legally binding act. Therefore, it will often outline preliminary terms for an agreement and can even have a requirement to follow through with a formal contract within a set time frame.
Since the LOI pertains to future transactions or actions, it is not legally binding. It is possible for the LOI to fall through if certain provisions are not met. This letter of intent template will include everything that you need to know about an LOI, why you should use it, and what you should include in yours.
A letter of intent is a variation of a formal letter that expresses an individual’s intentions to perform a specific task or buy something. In business dealings, such a letter of intent can be useful in declaring a company’s position on an agreement or terms that both parties have settled on while negotiations may still continue.
A letter of intent sample allows you to show interest in a business and engage with it in a professional manner. You can state your interest without having to enter into a formal business arrangement. It is considered a show of good faith, as both parties are able to set their future plans without having to involve lawyers.
A letter of intent is less of a contract and more of a record-keeping requirement in most business settings. Parties will often use an LOI to mark different stages of the negotiation leading up to the final agreement.
The parties who are likely to use LOI in the business world are companies engaged in a merger. Since mergers can take time with negotiations, it also acts as a safeguard if the deal collapses during negotiations.
Other parties who could use a letter of intent are employees and employers. More specifically, an employee can send a LOI to show that they are interested in working for the company. However, unlike most other job proposals, this individual is not looking for a specific role in the company.
Finally, one of the most common parties to use an LOI is property owners. A letter of intent can also help express your interest in purchasing or renting out a property owner's home.
Two core factors determine if a letter of intent is legally binding: if it expresses one party's intent and if it contains all of the material terms of an agreement. For instance, during the A.J Richard & Sons, Inc. V Forest City Ratner Cos., LLC case, the judge deemed the LOI as legally binding since all future negotiations only concerned the finer details of their agreement.
You can use a letter of intent throughout various professional and business situations. Below, you can find some common types of LOI that fit more specific circumstances.
A letter of intent comes in handy to show that you are interested in buying a business, a commercial property, or even a residential property. However, you should explicitly state that this is not an official purchase agreement. The terms and conditions will be a part of the official purchase agreement, which relevant parties will sign off on.
It is also possible for you to send a letter of intent to a university for their scholarship program. The LOI should express excitement and appreciation for the opportunity. It does not have to be very long, but it should be professional when addressing the right people.
If you plan to join a specific university or graduate school, you might have to send a letter of intent to that university. In fact, it is an essential part of the application process for many schools. The LOI should let the recipient know that you have submitted your application and list the graduate program you are applying for.
An acquisition LOI is often similar to one you would send for buying a business, with the main difference being that the former should be confidential. Since it can include basic terms of agreement and price, you have to be careful that the letter of intent does not go past them.
A letter of intent can be an effective way to inform a company that you are interested in working at a specific position or in a department. There might not be any openings for the job you are applying for, but if there are, then they are more likely to consider you.
Many people often get confused between a letter of intent and a cover letter. The differences can be even harder to notice when considering job hunting.
An LOI focuses mainly on the company rather than any specific job openings that it has.
A cover letter is not only sent when applying for a specific job; it also discusses the candidate's skills relevant to that position.
A letter of intent can differ depending on who you are sending it to. You can follow a letter of intent template, as some information remains similar regardless of who or what institution you are sending it to. Include a professional greeting that can be directed towards a specific individual in a company, but that is not necessary. You can move on with such points:
Add a short introduction about yourself
Mention why you are writing this letter
Include your skills and experiences that make you well-suited for the job
Add a call to action to close off your LOI
Following through on a letter of intent template is essential since it allows you to capitalize on opportunities you would have otherwise missed. Lenders sometimes require proof of a deal before providing any financing. Furthermore, this can also be useful to see if the party you are dealing with is committed to the agreement. Since the specifics of the deal can be negotiated later, it can also bookmark important milestones leading up to the final signing.
A letter of intent can be useful in various academic, professional, and business situations. And since it is versatile, writing one for your specific needs is never too complicated. This letter of intent template is a good place to start writing your own, as most of the rules stay similar.
Adding your recipient's name to the letter of intent is often good practice, except for instances where the letter addresses different people. But, sending the letter of intent to a specific person can increase the likelihood that the right people will even get your letter.
The next step is choosing a greeting, but you rarely need to deviate from the original “Mr./Ms Last Name." It is simple, succinct, and professional, and you no longer have to think about how to address them.
This part can change drastically depending on why you are writing your LOI. In fact, a good letter of intent template will leave this section blank since you need to fill it in yourself. If you are purchasing a business, mention your interest in the business and your asking price. But if you want to start working for a company, you can mention what makes you suitable to work there. You need to address the company or person and state your interest and reason for writing.
Make sure you use more formal closing statements like “Yours Truly” and “Sincerely,” with your name directly underneath.
You may need a letter of intent to send to a property owner when you want to start a conversation about buying, renting, or leasing a property. Also, you can use the document when working together with a business or even buying it — when entering into a partnership with a company or acquiring a business.
Lastly, a letter of intent can also help students to land a position in a specific educational institution. For example, you may craft a letter of intent to express your interest in a particular university and highlight your qualifications and goals.
Avoid using a letter of intent when one party is already seeking to finalize the terms of the agreement. For instance, if two companies are in advanced negotiations and are near to reaching an agreement, using a letter of intent at that stage might not be needed and could make the process more complicated.
Additionally, it is important to be cautious because the LOI does not have legally binding terms. For example, suppose one party provides confidential information to the other party during the negotiation phase based on the LOI. In that case, there may not be legal protections in place to prevent the recipient from misusing or disclosing that information. These non-binding terms can potentially make either party responsible for something without any legal obligation.
A letter of intent is not supposed to be too long and actively benefits from being short and succinct. Make sure that the letter you are writing is not longer than 800 words or can even be as long as 400 words. Just make sure that you can get across the purpose of the letter and why they should read it.
Save for a few instances, a letter of intent is not legally binding. Therefore, if negotiations fail or if the terms are not met, the LOI will simply cease to be effective. However, if you are too deep into negotiations and then they fall through, either party will be held liable. Since both partners have followed through on many future plans mentioned in the letter of intent, a judge will see it as a legally binding contract.
A letter of intent, a memorandum of understanding, and a term sheet are often confused with each other. The main difference between the three really comes down to their formatting.
A letter of intent is an actual letter that is often addressed to an individual or a company.
A term sheet is a simple document that lists the terms of a deal and explains why you are referring to it. It has a clear and direct tone and can be seen as a letter of intent in court.
A memorandum of association is like a letter of intent, but it is written before the final agreement. It is the last step before making a formal contract, and it does not involve any money exchange.