Release of Liability (Waiver) Form

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Updated Dec 12, 2023
~ 2 pages
A release of liability form is a document that legally protects an individual or entity from potential lawsuits in case of accidents or property damage. The main purpose of such agreements is to define and transfer potential risks, rights, or interests involved in a specific activity or transaction. Create your own release of liability form template on Lawrina and get a complete PDF document, ready for your needs.
Choose your type of this legal template.
Document Types
Car Accident Release of Liability Form
This form becomes essential whenever there's a settlement following a car accident.
Lease Agreement Release Form
A lease release form discontinues the landlord and tenant relationship.
Media (Video) Release Form
This form protects the rights of parties involved in the production and use of video content.
Medical Records Release Form
This form enables sharing of a patient's medical information between healthcare providers.
Photo Release Form
This document provides the model’s permission to use their photos in public.
Pregnancy Verification Form
This form confirms pregnancy status and can be added to medical records for verification.
Release of Lien
This form removes any encumbrances on the property, permitting its sale or refinancing.
SAV-RX Prior (Rx) Authorization Form
This document outlines the terms for obtaining prior authorization for prescription medications.
Talent Release Form
This form is impeccable in the daily work of content creators and talented persons.
Paper titled "Release of Liability Form"; a woman shaking hands with a man standing near the desk

A release of liability form, also known as a liability waiver form, is a document that legally protects an individual or entity from potential lawsuits in case of accidents or property damage. The main purpose of such agreements is to define and transfer potential risks, rights, or interests involved in a specific activity or transaction. Also, these documents provide a solid platform for defending your assets and protecting your interests.

When to Use a Release of Liability Form

Using a liability release form is a common practice in numerous scenarios. It can be implemented across various sectors, including sports, recreational businesses, rental companies, or any situation where there's a risk of personal or property damage. The general release of liability form provides a shield against lawsuits and claims related to unexpected accidents or unprecedented scenarios where damage occurs because of another party's actions. You may search for a free liability waiver form online to gain an understanding of how the document should be structured. 

Parties of a Release of Liability Form

  • Releasor –– The term refers to the individual or entity who agrees to give up their right to take legal action against another party under certain specified conditions. The releasor acknowledges and assumes the inherent risks in the activity or transaction and, in doing so, signs a waiver form. As a result, if the releasor suffers any damage or injury as a consequence of the activity, they lose their right to seek redress from the other party.

  • Releasee –– This is the individual, company, or organization that is being protected from potential legal claims by the release of liability form. The releasee could include a wide range of entities, such as a business, a sports club, or even a landlord. Once the releasor signs the form, the releasee is safeguarded against any legal repercussions if the releasor incurs an injury or harm. If the provided release of liability form is legally sound, the releasee can reference it in court to dismiss any potential claims from the releasor.

Key Terms

  • Release of Liability: This term signifies the act of forsaking the legal right to file a lawsuit against the responsible party in the event of an accident.
  • Indemnity: The principle of compensating for damage or loss incurred by the other party. 
  • Assumption of Risk: This term refers to the understanding and acceptance of potential hazards involved in an activity. 
  • Waiver: A waiver represents the act of giving up a legal right or claim. 
  • Severability: The court uses this principle to enforce the remainder of a contract, even if one part of the contract is declared invalid.

How to Write a Release of Liability Form

A simple release of liability form is an essential legal document used to absolve an organization or individual from liability in the case of accidents or damage. You may use free waiver of liability forms from online sources or seek help from legal professionals who will assist you in drafting a liability waiver form PDF.

Here's how to fill in a general release of liability form PDF if you are either a releasee or a releasor:

  1. Capture all involved parties' specific details, such as legal names and valid contact information. 
  2. Lay out a direct explanation of the original potential risk unveiled by your service or event.
  3. Follow this with a thorough depiction of the service or event, including its location and duration. 
  4. Assemble essential details regarding the liability assumptions, such as when the waiver of liability becomes valid and its terms.
  1. Supply the name of the activity or service being exempt from legal repercussions. 
  2. Specify the governing state law or federal regulation applied to the liability release.
  3. Affirm that you, as the participant, fully understand and accept all risks associated with the activity or service. 
  4. Write down any rights you're giving up to sue or demand compensation for any harm that might happen because of the activity or service.
  5. Authorize how the liability form will be documented and designate the individual responsible for the recording procedure.

All parties involved should review the release form, preferably with a legal advisor, to safeguard their interests. It's crucial to remember that reaching a prior agreement on essential elements of the document, such as the indemnity clause or the documentation process, can smooth out the process of creating a release of liability form. 

In conclusion, having a liability form is essential in various sectors where there is an inherent risk of harm or injury. It protects your organization or business from unforeseen lawsuits or liability. The precise use of key terms in these forms provides an inherent understanding of the associated legalities involved. Lastly, a general liability release form ensures protection and peace of mind for both parties involved. Using well-crafted, tailored liability waiver templates boosts these benefits further.

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