Electrical Contract Template

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Electrical Service Agreement Page 1
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Updated Apr 16, 2024
~ 11 pages
An electrical service agreement is a legal document that defines the type of electrical service to be provided. This agreement outlines the scope of electrical work, pricing, the service time frame, and termination. Fill out this agreement, enter the key information about the services and the parties, and download the document for your current and future deals.
Choose your type of this legal template.
Document Types
Catering Agreement
This specific type of service agreement regulating the catering services performance.
Cleaning Service Contract
This document notes down the nature, duration, and cost of cleaning services.
Daycare (Child Care) Contract
This contract is used when a parent or guardian enrolls the child in a daycare facility.
Flooring Contract
This contract is signed between a company providing flooring services and a client.
Service Agreement
This contract is necessary for specific services when a service provider is hired.
Handyman Contract
This contract outlines the maintenance scope of work in exchange for the agreed fee.
Landscaping Contract
This contract outlines the landscaping services the company will provide to the client.
Moving Contract
A moving contract lays out the exact terms of the move between the parties.
Painting Contract
This contract outlines the scope of the work, pricing, and terms of the painting job.
Photography Contract
This document covers the scope of photography work and the service-related details.
Plumbing Contract
A plumbing contract describes the work scope, schedule and timeline, and project costs.
Pool Service Contract
A pool service contract is signed by a swimming pool technician and a client.
Roofing Contract
A roofing contract regulates the terms and conditions of a roofing project.
Snow Removal Contract
This contract specifies the cooperation between a snow removal company and the customer.
Videography Contract
This contract helps agree on the services between the client and the hired videographer.

Template Description

Paper titled "Electrical Service Agreement"; electrician ready for work

An electrical service agreement is a contract between an electrical service provider and a client, usually a property owner. The agreement outlines the terms of service, including a description of the service to be provided, payment terms, time frame, and termination. The attorney-reviewed Lawrina electrical service agreement template can be customized to meet your needs. After purchase, users can download the document as is and make necessary adjustments before use. 

What Is an Electrical Service Agreement?

An electric service agreement is a legally binding contract between an electrical service provider and a property owner for electrical services. It lists the responsibilities and obligations of each party, including the scope of work, fees, termination, and any other relevant information. This printable electrical contract template can be for one year or on an “as needed” basis. 

Parties of the Electrical Service Agreement

There are two parties, the service provider and the property owner, with the following obligations and responsibilities: 

  • Service provider or contractor — An individual or electrical company responsible for providing the electrical services described in the agreement, which may include repair, installation, or maintenance of a client’s electrical system. 
  • Client — Usually a property owner who is requesting the services of the electrician. 

Usually, the client is responsible for providing access to the work area for the contractor, which can include moving furnishings or items that could prevent the contractor from carrying out the services stipulated in the electrical service agreement.

Key Terms

A general electrical service agreement may include complex terms that are unfamiliar to those who are not experienced with legal contracts or the electrical industry. Some common words and phrases include:

  • Assignment and delegation — A contract assigns rights or benefits and delegates responsibilities. The service provider may have the right to receive payments, but the contract can permit the provider to transfer that right to a third party. The contract can allow the service provider to delegate certain obligations to deliver the service to a third party. A sample electrical service agreement may include an assignment and delegation clause to allow or restrict the parties from assigning or delegating their rights or responsibilities. 
  • Change orders — This term is used in a clause that provides a means for the parties to modify the description of the work in the original agreement. The parties can amend the scope of work, payment terms, materials, and tools necessary for the work through a change order agreement. The clause may require that both parties agree in writing to change the order and that the changes may mean additional charges to the client. 
  • Exclusive remedies — Parties to a contract may agree to limit themselves to the remedies (legal actions to resolve a dispute) provided in the contract in the event of a disagreement or when one party breaches the agreement. An exclusive remedies clause binds parties to those remedies outlined in the agreement and no other. Financial compensation, agreement termination, injunction, or specific performance are some exclusive remedies that the parties can include in their agreement. 
  • Force majeure — In the event of an unforeseeable, insurmountable phenomenon that makes it impossible for the parties to perform their responsibilities or obligations according to the contract, they can agree to temporarily or permanently suspend the contract. 

It is recommended to include a warranty clause in a residential electrical contract in which the parties stipulate warranty terms for the installations made by the contractor. For example, “the contractor has provided installation and quality parts for the best quality of product. All parts will be warranted for a 12-month period after installation for any technical defects.”

Why Are Electrical Service Agreements Important?

A simple electrical service agreement allows the service provider and client to agree on the specific service and how the service will be delivered, including when and how often. Electrical service contract samples help each party understand his or her responsibilities. Having this information in writing provides easy reference in the future. Some things to consider in addition to a visual assessment are:

  • Wiring — Small appliances plugged into inadequate or improper wiring are recognized as the leading cause of accidental electrocutions, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). To identify the type of wire used, it is important to understand the electrical systems, particularly in an older home since many wiring practices used even 10 or 15 years ago are now considered hazardous.
  • Panels — Older panels and breakers should be replaced.
  • Hidden problems — Electricity allows people to enjoy a wide range of creature comforts. Electrical services usually do not malfunction until they fail, which can result in unwanted electrical service interruptions or damage. Therefore, service providers may need to search for hidden problems and make repairs before disaster happens. 
  • Insurance — Electricity is the leading cause of property damage in home structures and electrical fires across the US, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Certain insurance companies will not insure a home if it has a certain type of wire or electrical panel. Be sure to check insurance policy requirements.
  • Cost savings — Having a licensed electrician review your home, office, or warehouse electrical system periodically can help to ensure early identification of minor problems to avoid significant repairs later.

What Is Included in an Electrical Service Agreement?

The following key terms should be included in a printable electrical service agreement to provide a record of the parties’ commitments and make the document legally binding. These are: 

  • Scope of work — Describe the service to be provided and include details like the materials and tools the service provider needs and the timelines for delivery. For maintenance and repair work, include the frequency and scope. Outline any testing and certification work that the client requires, including testing frequency. For installation, list the systems to be installed and any other applicable details.
  • Terms of payment — Describe the agreed payment terms, which may include the amount, the payment schedule, and penalties for late payment. 
  • Duration of the agreement — The electrical service agreement can be for one year or as needed. If the service is on a need basis, the agreement may stay in force until the service described is fully delivered or until the parties terminate the agreement in writing. As-needed agreements are flexible and cover the parties’ interests through a project completion date that cannot be determined.
  • Liability, indemnification, and insurance — Each party is liable for specific actions under the contract. In the indemnification clause, for example, the contractor may agree to hold the client harmless for any injuries that may occur while working and take responsibility for any property damage. This section may also define the type of insurance the service provider must carry, the scope of the coverage, and a requirement to provide proof of insurance.
  • Confidentiality — The agreement may require that both parties treat the terms of their engagement as confidential.
  • Dispute resolution — Since disputes may arise during any engagement, an effective electrical service agreement template PDF will include a section to stipulate the mechanism available for the parties to resolve differences if needed.
  • Governing law — The example service contract should stipulate the law that will be used to interpret or enforce the agreement. This section will ensure the parties’ understanding that they are subject to the laws in a specific jurisdiction. 

It is the parties’ discretion whether to include demolition works or removal of debris in the electric service agreement. If these services are covered by the agreement, they may mean additional charges. 

How To Write an Electrical Service Agreement

The property owner and the service provider will collaborate in preparing an electrical service agreement template. Each will take a few important steps.

For Clients

  1. Determine the scope of work and draft a request for proposal (RFP) — The property owner examines the scope of the work needed, the project location, costs, and time frame. 

  2. Make a list of qualified candidates — Seek experienced service providers with relevant credentials and references. 

  3. Send the RFP — After identifying a few candidates for the job, the property owner will send out the request for proposals. The RFP is necessary because it provides the framework for engagement and negotiation with the service provider.

  4. Evaluate the proposals — The property owner then evaluates the proposals submitted by the candidates and determines the best individual or company to engage. 

  5. Negotiate terms with the contractor — Once the client settles on a contractor, the parties will negotiate terms based on the RFP sent out and the proposal received. The main points of negotiation may include the scope of work, terms of payment, insurance, and liability.

  6. Review and sign the contract from the service provider — The service provider will generally draft the agreement and submit it to the client for review and signing. 

For Electrical Service Providers

The contractor may be an individual or company offering credentials that match the client’s needs. The steps the provider will take in drafting the electrical service agreement template include: 

  1. Review the RFP and prepare a proposal — The service provider will review the RFP from the client and prepare a proposal that consists of qualifications, experience, and a plan for approaching the project. The provider will also include cost estimates and projected timelines. 

  2. Negotiate the terms of engagement — If selected, the client will engage the provider in negotiating terms of engagement based on both the RFP and the submitted proposal.

  3. Prepare the agreement — Once both parties agree on the terms of the engagement, including the scope of work, timelines, budget, penalties for late payment, insurance, liability, and other details, the service provider will prepare the electrical service agreement and send it to the client for review and signing.

When an Electrical Service Agreement Is Needed

A blank electrical service agreement template can be used to create a legally binding contract and multiple examples of service contracts when a client engages the services of an electrical service provider.

Common Use Cases

An electrical service agreement outlines the terms of engagement between a client and a service provider. The agreement is helpful for clients who need any of the following: 

  • Installation of new electrical systems, fixtures, or appliances 
  • Electrical work for new construction, renovations, or remodeling projects
  • Installation of backup generator or solar panel systems
  • Wiring or rewiring projects
  • Electrical maintenance on a property

When Not To Use the Electrical Service Agreement

A formal electrical service agreement is not always necessary when working with a client or service provider. Some instances when the document will not be helpful include: 

  • Do-it-yourself (DIY) projects — If a homeowner handles his or her own electrical work, a service agreement is not needed.
  • Simple projects — An agreement may not be necessary if a property owner engages a service provider for simple projects that take only up to a few hours.
  • Sale of electrical appliances — An electrical service agreement cannot be used in place of a contract for sale of goods.

State Law

An electrical service agreement should be written in accordance with relevant state law. Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 37 Service Contracting applies to all contracts for services, regardless of the contract type or kind of service being provided.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, the National Electrical Code (NEC) adopted in 50 states is approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The NEC is a set of electrical code requirements that govern electrical installations in the interest of safety for persons and property. Knowledge of the rules of the NEC is an inherent part of doing business in the electrical industry.


Please be aware that all electrical works performed by the service provider or contractor shall be exercised in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations in addition to the rules and requirements stipulated in the National Electric Code (NEC). For instance, the Code covers such technical issues as installation and removal of electrical conductors and equipment for public and private premises, including buildings, structures, mobile homes, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a standard service agreement?

Standard service agreements are legal contracts between service providers and clients. Details about the business relationship and the duties each party owes to the other are outlined in the agreement. The document may include services offered, additional costs, after-hours calls, a termination clause, and pricing.

How do you write a contract for electrical work?

The following steps comprise the process for writing an electrical work contract:

  • Identify the contractor and the customer. Include the business’s and the client’s information.
  • Define the scope of the liquidation project. Outline the services or supplies provided.
  • Identify the plans and specifications and the location. This section includes the location of the work and the goods and services included. 
  • Set out the payment schedule. Outline how much will be paid, how the client can make those payments, and any additional information, including how late fees or nonpayment will be handled.
  • List completion dates and schedules. Includes the timeline for the work specified and a final completion deadline, listing any appropriate exceptions.
  • List the party that will pay for licenses and fees. If there are licenses or permits to be included, specify who will be responsible for obtaining these in addition to who will be responsible for the costs.
  • Explain the safety protocol if applicable as per state laws. Include any details regarding safety equipment and who is responsible for following which safety procedures.
  • Indicate responsibility for losses or damage. This clause should include the outcome of any damages or losses or a denial of responsibility for such instances.
  • Create a signature section. Signatures and dates must be included.
  • Review the contract for errors or omissions. An attorney may be able to look over the contract prior to presenting it to the client. Then file the original in a safe place or with a lawyer for safe recordkeeping.
How can you easily manage electrical service agreements?

Many electrical contractors find bringing in new business costly. Therefore, when they acquire a new customer, they want that customer to return. The likelihood of repeat business improves with a membership or service agreement program. It is possible to capitalize on your efforts to maintain — and grow — a loyal customer base through service agreements. 

Customer service indemnity agreements not only help reduce uncertainty about where business will come from next, but they also help save money on customer acquisition. Additionally, they eliminate the need for customers to look for a new electrician every time they require electrical work. The likelihood that customers will switch to another service provider is lower when they become members.

A high-quality electrical services agreement template is a good start, but the real challenge is managing all agreement documents, appointments with customers, equipment needed for the appointments, billing, and renewals.